Meredith Shur, MD, FACOG, is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as a certified medical examiner.
blood pregnancy test can confirm a pregnancy to check your blood for the presence of the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). There are two types of blood pregnancy test. A qualitative hCG test just checks to see if hCG is present, and quantitative hCG test (beta hCG) measures the exact amount of hCG in your blood. Blood pregnancy test will yield positive results if they detect 5 mIU (milli-international units per milliliter) of hCG in the blood. This level is usually seen shortly after conception.
You can choose to have a blood pregnancy test to help determine whether an unintended pregnancy has taken place due to failure of contraceptives or to see if you succeed in getting pregnant.
blood pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy as early as 10 days after a missed period (about 6-8 days after you ovulate) -and sometimes, this test can detect hCG earlier.
You should go to your doctor's office to get a blood pregnancy test. They are more sensitive than, so that they can detect pregnancy earlier. Although you can get with a home test, it takes longer to get the results of your blood pregnancy test. Also keep in mind that even though a blood test can detect pregnancy earlier, your doctor may offer you a blood test unless your period late
Doctors offer two types of blood pregnancy test.
This test was completed as a typical blood test. Puncture site (most likely the arm or back of your hand) will be cleaned with antiseptic. A tourniquet will be placed around the upper arm to apply pressure. A needle is then inserted, and the blood will be collected in an airtight bottle or syringe. Unless your doctor's office has in-house laboratory, blood samples will be sent to a laboratory for analysis.
blood pregnancy test has an accuracy rate of 98-99%. This test can be done about seven days after you ovulate (which is about a week before your period is due) and still deliver accurate results.
As the urine test / home pregnancy, it is possible to. end up with false results (both negative and positive) of a blood pregnancy test
Drugs that may decrease the amount of hCG in your blood include:
Drugs that can increase the levels of hCG in your blood include:
it can take longer to receive the results of a blood pregnancy test compared to the urine test. The time it takes to receive the results of blood tests pregnancy vary from lab to lab and can range from one hour to several days.
blood pregnancy test should be carried out your doctor's office. It may take more time out of your schedule. Blood tests are also more expensive than a home pregnancy test (at a price of varying based on physician and lab fees).
There is very little risk associated with obtaining blood pregnancy test. As is the case with a blood test, there is always the possibility that you may feel dizzy, faint, have excessive bleeding, infection, or bruising at the puncture site, and / or hematoma (blood accumulating under the skin).
Also, because the blood vessels and arteries vary in size from one person to another (and from one side of the body to another), get a blood sample can be harder for some people than for others. In order to get a blood sample needed for this test, it may require several stabs to find a vein.
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