abdominal pain during first trimester

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Some very mild pain and cramps in the stomach area (abdominal) in early pregnancy is not uncommon.

It is completely understandable to worry about abdominal pain in pregnancy and worried about this being a sign. But abdominal pain or cramps are common in pregnancy and usually nothing to worry about.

mild abdominal pain in early pregnancy (for the first) is usually caused by the uterus grows, the ligaments stretching as your bump grows, hormone constipation or trapped wind. Sometimes it may feel like a 'seam' or mild period pain. This may have something to worry about if a mild pain and is lost when you change the position, resting, doing dirt or pass wind.

You may also feel mild discomfort or period-like cramps at the end of your pregnancy. It is nothing to worry about, but call your midwife if you have any issues.

Abdominal pain can be very worrying for pregnant women. Pain can make you fear the worst, like. It's important to listen to your own instincts. If you worry about what you are experiencing pain, or you just feel like something is wrong, contact the midwife. Do not worry about wasting anyone's time. It is always best to get things checked.

If you experience persistent abdominal pain (pain that will not go away) or cramps, or if the pain comes on suddenly had to be examined by a doctor or midwife immediately.

Most of abdominal pain and cramps in pregnancy are nothing to worry about. But there are some symptoms that you should know about because they could be a sign of something more serious.

If you feel one of the following hospitals, even if you did not experience any other symptoms listed, call the midwife, doctor or hospital immediately.

severe pain on one side of the lower abdomen pain early in pregnancy can be a sign of a. Other symptoms may include:

severe cramps in your stomach with or without bleeding that lasts for several hours can be a sign or placental abruption

Regular painful contractions / cramps before. 37 this week could be a sign, especially if you also have:

severe pain in your stomach that does not go away this pain could be a sign. Other symptoms may include:

Pain in the upper abdomen

The pain just below the ribs are common in pregnancy because your baby grows and the uterus pushed under the ribs. But if the pain is bad or persistent, especially on the right side, it could be a sign. Other symptoms may include:

Pre-eclampsia usually develops in the second half of pregnancy (from around).

Lower abdominal pain or back pain dull

Call your midwife if you have this pain and one or more of the following:

this is a symptom of a urinary tract infection. This is not an emergency but should be treated as soon as possible.

are signs that your uterine muscles tighten. This can occur from as early as 16 weeks, but are more common in pregnancy

Braxton Hicks contractions' are :.

You do not need to contact the maternity unit or midwife unless the contractions become painful and regular (less than 10 minutes apart).

contractions / cramps after 37-40 weeks could be a sign of the early stages of labor. It's called

Read about our experience of pregnancy.

It has more vaginal discharge during pregnancy is common, but talk to your midwife or doctor if you are unsure about an increase or change in your vaginal secretions.

Swelling or swelling of hands and feet are common in late pregnancy.

Some itching around the belly is normal as your skin lengthwise around your baby grows.

a lump that grows is a sign of the baby grows. midwives should start measuring your baby from 24 weeks to make sure they are growing well.

If you feel your midwife does not listen to you, you can ask to see another member of the team.

If you feel something is wrong, or if you are worried about the baby, contact your midwife or doctor to talk about it.

If you have the sensation that is painful or burning when you wee (urination), you may have a urinary tract infection (UTI)

problems Vision can be caused by issues different in pregnancy. If you have vision problems always tell your midwife or hospital immediately.

mild headaches can be caused by hormones and are common in pregnancy.

If your temperature is above 37.5 degreesrees Celsius, even with no flu or cold symptoms, call your doctor or the hospital maternity unit.

Stomach bugs are common in pregnancy. It is highly unlikely that your baby will be harmed from a bug that lasted less than 48 hours.

fetal movement can be anything from a flutter, kick, swish or roll. Feel your baby move is a sign that they were good.

Options NHS. abdominal pain in pregnancy (Page last reviewed: 05/01/2018 of reviews Next for :. 01.05.2021)

Options NHS. preterm labor and birth (Page last reviewed: 29/11/2017 of reviews Next for :. 29.11.2020)

Options NHS Pre-eclampsia (Page last reviewed: 06/07/2018 Next review due : 07/06/2021)

NHS (2017) urinary tract infection (Page last reviewed: 12/12/2017 of reviews Next since: 12/12/2020)

NHS ( 2017) you and your baby at 33-36 weeks pregnant (Page last reviewed: 17/7/2018 reviews Next since: 07/17/2021)

ℹLast review on September 28, 2018. Next date reviews 28 September 2021.

Hi, I missed my period for 3 wks pass now, when blood pregnancy test, came out positive, but I felt very heavy, tired, always want to sleep , feeling very full in my stomach, swollen, and some cramps, all of this is normal in early pregnancy?

Hi I have a stomach ache left side for 3 days I can say I am pregnant

01: 20Hi I will 9weeks on Tuesday I had a scan last week me and they could not find a heart beat must be returned on Friday I've had cramps and I had been bleeding for a week now it's like a normal period

it does not sound like it. It could be a miscarriage. Go to the ER right away !!

Sorry to say, but I do not think it's normal

Hi I'm 10weeks with my second child my first child was ceaser a. I have had a terrible pain in my left leg from the hip down the back pain does not want to go even wen I change the position of a doctor I say normal. .Please help me worried

Hello, my first child, I had a year ago this month and I am 11 weeks pregnant. Normal leg pain your body adjusts to the pregnancy faster then you first. Stretching relief it very much.

Last month I had my time, and after I finished my period had stomach cramps and almost 2 weeks now.

Hello, my precious, I have been experiencing severe abdominal pain since a month now after seeing menstruation on 2 Jan and again in 25.pls I wanted to know what could be causing

Hi I would 9weeks Tuesday I my last scan of the week and they could not find a heart beat to be back on Friday I've had cramps and I had been bleeding for a week now it's like this period normal

Hi im 24 weeks pregnant and have experienced lower abdominal cramps for several hours now theyre very tedious and achey and theyre come and go very often they feel like a bad period cramps, if I have anything to worry about?

Can you tell me what I presume to be

Hi. Am 22 weeks now, Please I have been experiencing abdominal pain on the right side of my stomach for sometime now. He went and came back again, especially in the middle of the night and morning. Is it normal or cause them to alarm?

Dear Agatha. abdominal pain in every pregnancy is not a normal pregnancy until proven otherwise and in need of urgent review. Please go to be seen by a doctor / midwife as soon as you can. Take care of yourself. Tommy Midwives

I was menstruating at 4 to 8 January 2020 .. and I had unprotected sex on 13,14,16. After that I felt pain in my lower abdomen, back pain and headaches with dizzyness sometimes and 3days back I started to have the flu and I do not eat well ... Am I pregnant?

im 14week 6 days I was pregnant I WWS nausea hradach overeating suddenly fell smell I do hpt was negative went to the sonar is still negative 1 first 1 i dd positive stomuch I have lines on my stomach I always ready to sleep bt then after 3 months im better im feel normal stomach i shit out n the head of my pale

Am having stomach pain pain pain lower breast and also feel weak what could be the cause

I do have pain waist, straight from my belly to my back. Then I felt pain in my nipples

Um 4 months and two weeks pregnant and I um have painiful on me when um sit abnomial the start of yesterday ,,, what's the cause of it

I was cramping and I was 12 weeks. Is this normal

Hi I am 8 weeks pregnant with my second. I have been constipation few and I was finally able to go a little bit but I got a pain in my right side that has not gone for about an hour. And I could not finish using the toilet because I guess I still have some constipation. What should I do? Should I be concerned?

Hello I 9weeks 6 days I've had a sharp pain there once or twice two but once I did go see it go eat bread pasta at least more fruit and vegetables, especially bananas are whole grain products have helped me too go on the basis of my own daily cut our white bread. Together. X

I had sex at 19, 20 and 21 December that the days of my ovulation. Take a blood test on December 28 and it proved positive. My breasts felt a bit heavier from day to day but I do not feel anything when I hit my lower abdomin

It is common to not feel anything. early pregnancy is very unlikely you will feel nothing good for a few weeks yet.

Hi I just passed my period but my stomach boileted and I had a backache and my breasts are awlaways full is that the signs of pregnancy

Hi, I am 6 weeks and I had severe cramping. Sick to move, I was also a bit of a constipation. I'm afraid there is something wrong. What should I do?

I can not find anywhere this answer but I've moved past that stage and I'm healthy and fine. I believe what is the initial stage of tearing the uterus and develop. Basically prepare for growing babies ...

I 2weeks pregnant but I see my future and right down my stomach is paining me

Please get yourself checked for ectopic pregnancy.

pain will go away and then come back at night while sleeping and sick days now.whole bit

Done faint test lines have a light period no pain T first then pain the left side of my cum a go bleeding does not burden a disease is normal

If you already have a positive test and experience pain and cramping / pain in your back in the stomach or tips shoulder even I would advise you to call the doctor , early pregnancy unit at the hospital or if the external heavy bleeding and painful to go directly to the & e. Most women have some cramping and spotting can be normal but it can also be a sign of something more serious that requires medical treatment. These places exist to make you and your baby safe.

Please have seen all the signs of pregnancy such as breast pain, breast swelling, back pain which makes me very happy that I was pregnant, until this morning when I have sex with my husband and lower abdomen I started paining me and blood came out until now still feel menstrual abdominal pain is still out. please can I still get pregnant through all of this.

Hello. My last menstrual Cycle 1 Nov me and lately has been ona 34-day cycle. I shouldve started on December 5. I have never been more than a week late. I have been taking Urine HPT and I also took a blood test at the hospital at 15 days late and came up negative. I have breast gently on the side, mostly clear after sitting for a long period of time or sleep, tingling through and and down toward the nipple, my stomach feels bloated, first noticed when I thought my trousers came over my navel at night and then realized I do not have a pair, I feel a pulling sensation around the navel, and the like can now see and feel my lower abdomen / stomach, I've had cramps very light since before my missed period is often through the day but very light, watery cervical fluid but still has sticky for it, some cramping but missing the left side, very gassy (mainly burping), and eXTREMELY tired, have experienced trouble staying awake. IT took my mom 3 months before their doctors will believe it when she was pregnant, and it is through ultra sound .. I know some women have little or no HCG, but I never missed a period for this all my life and I was 30 years old. I have other symptoms but those are the main ones, I do not know what to do and could have an ultra sound havne't yet :( Sorry for the long message but did not know what to do! Thanks in advance! < p> Hi. I gave birth to my baby 3 months ago in September it was a boy, it's just that the last few weeks I have had the white fluid that itch and my vagina swollen, I have been to the clinic and reported it but they have me some pills and it did not help, but at this time I had felt something moving in my stomach with my ribs as if it were a babymove I do not know what to do help please

Hii sex before my period and after seeing my period, 5 days later I started feeling pain in the lower side of my stomach in the morning and also bleeding, and if I want to urinate it would pain me what causes

Hello I am 3 months pregnant and during the last two days I have abdominal pain above all in my muscles as above doing serious work and a lot of sit-ups, it does not come and go constantly had me very worried

Hello, I got the same thing last two days. Objections top and bottom, you nailed to say like a work out cramps but more severe. I wonder if you know why or if it was gone? Sorry that you have this.

Hi -My first day of the LMP 10/27 is pink then brown all the way through the first week of November at a stop. Nothing at all after this period has symptoms of nausea / sleepy all the time I think the smell of breast ridiculous weight and take about 2weeks last negative test today 12/06/19 cramps and nausea no bleeding I have an appointment on the 12th but my pregnancy symptoms come and go is this okay?

Hey, I found out that I was pregnant the week pregnant but I have pain like I'll be on my period and they are getting worse every dayPlz help

Hey, you got it checked? Hope that there are concerns. Tbh I've had the same

Hi l feel exactly the same as during the first three weeks of pregnancy if my period is about to come lm 10 weeks preg now

This is normal in early pregnancy because the uterus you thrive on your baby's growth

I feel the same way about the time I expected my period. Sometimes they would get so severe as im going to get my period. It was during the week 3 and 4. Now it is better and im 8 weeks pregnant. You hope your feeling better too.

I have all the symtoms of pregnancy m peperiod last whas 30 October heups I lower back pain left side under pain of my ribs, I had cramps in the lower abdomen me I feel lower abdomen is very sensitive, but pregnancy tests say current negative ifiI'm how far I was pregnant.

I do not believe that this pregnancy could be something else going on like gas

I have all the symptoms of pregnancy from packpain lower for cramps and everything but the test is still negative and the last period I dated 30 October so if I'm pregnant how far I know

Hi, I have a cerclage cervical few days ago and I have been through the usual symptoms mentioned by doctors and midwives, but today I started to feel pain bad in my upper abdomen, and no one had mentioned that it might be painful. It felt like there was something pressing me hard in my stomach. Is the pain of normal, or should I call someone? Forgot to mention I was 15 weeks pregnant.

I am 19 weeks. I had a very severe pain in the lower abdomen and the right side of my abdomen. And feel the baby's feet. I was seriously ill for three days now. I even when to the hospital yesterday to my doctor and he said everything was OK that I should take only paracetamol. I do not not OK. I can not turn properly, sleep properly or stand. Please help me.

Please speak with your doctor or midwife to make sure everything is normal fine.pain but severe pain is a cause for worry so please do not delay

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by Fat Beehive

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