If you are pregnant, you are no doubt experiencing new pain and tenderness. If you are also one of the millions of women who experience, you may be pleased to know that subsided for many women. But even if it was not for you, the information in this article can help you cope.
Exactly what causes unknown. But it seems to involve changes in neural pathways, neurochemicals, and flowing in.
The researchers believe that these cells are excited stimulates the release of chemicals. These chemicals irritate the vessels on the surface 's. That, in turn, causes blood vessels to swell and stimulate a response to pain.
suspected to play a role in migraine. That is why the pregnancy, and often changing patterns of women.
neurotransmitter serotonin also seems to have an important role in migraine.
hormonal changes during pregnancy are not the only things that can trigger migraine headaches. Most women have a combination of triggers. For example, stress, skipping meals, and less than may all trigger migraines. And something that triggers a migraine one day may not bother you at all the next.
Some of the migraine lasted a few hours. Others, if left untreated, can last several days. Migraines are quite unexpected. So while pregnancy can make them worse for a woman, they may be completely lost to the other.
A headache diary can let you track a certain trigger. This will help your doctor decide what treatment will work best for your specific symptoms ease. It can also help you identify patterns that tell you how to avoid the triggers that while you are pregnant
Every time you have a headache, write down :.
generally include:
Headaches can be caused by pregnancy complication called. So the doctor can evaluate you for that condition before making a diagnosis of migraine. Be sure to tell your doctor about all you're taking, including over-the-counter and natural. Also let your doctor know if anyone in your family have a migraine.
Doctors can often diagnose migraine headache diary and your medical history. CT scans and other radiological tests to rule out other causes of your headaches are usually not recommended in pregnancy. It was because of the potential risk to.
The first line of defense against a migraine headache is a healthy lifestyle and self-care. Here are some tips to help you during pregnancy:
If you are pregnant - or planning to soon - doctors generally would advise you to stay away from drugs unless they are absolutely necessary. Together, you should consider the potential impact of drugs on the unborn baby. In some cases, the decision must be made based on little or concluded research into a particular drug.
Many of the anti-migraine drug to treat or prevent migraine and symptoms should be avoided during pregnancy. That's because they are already associated with the baby. Other drug-related. For example, some have been associated with bleeding, miscarriage, or (IUGR), a condition in which the uterus and do not grow normally.
Destination acute treatment to stop a migraine attack after the first signs appear.
Pain relievers, also called analgesics can help alleviate the pain of migraine. This drug pain relievers common, though, is not specific for migraine pain pathways:
Ergotamines work specifically for migraine pain. However, doctors suggest that taking this drug during pregnancy. They carry the risk of birth defects, especially if taken in. These drugs can also stimulate labor and premature birth.
Triptans work exclusively on migraine pain pathways. Triptans are not known to cause birth defects. But most research to date has focused on animals, not humans. Some experts still warning about combining triptans with two general classes s: ""
The combination is considered to bring the risk of life-threatening condition called But many doctors now believe that it is safe for people to take the two drugs. Your doctor can tell you if any are safe for you and your unborn baby.
Other medications may be prescribed to relieve specific symptoms of migraine during pregnancy. For example, antiemetics help soothe and nausea that can accompany migraines. However, many drugs are usually used for migraine has not been adequately studied in pregnancy, so their of security or risk to undetermined.
If you have severe, recurrent attacks, preventive treatment can stop future attacks or reduce their severity. Many drugs used for prevention was originally used for other conditions, such as high blood pressure.
See a neurologist experienced in caring for pregnant women. He will give the drug in the lowest dose needed to help you and may recommend some type of talk therapy. a relatively safe drug for migraines including beta-blockers, such as propranolol and labetalol, and calcium channel blockers such as verapamil.
When you are pregnant, always talk to your doctor before taking any medications, herbal products, or natural medicine.
If you can not take medication or want not, there are some devices that might be worth considering. Cefaly is a device such as a portable headband provides electrical impulses to the skin on the forehead. It stimulates the nerves associated with migraine headaches. Cefaly be used once a day for 20 minutes, and when it's on you will feel a tingling or massaging sensation.
SpringTMS is a magnet placed behind the head at the first sign of a headache. It gives off a fraction of a second magnetic pulse that stimulates parts of the brain. Usually do not have side effects. Also, gammaCore is a portable handheld device which is a vagus nerve stimulator noninvasive (NVS). When placed over the vagus nerve in the neck, it releases a mild electrical stimulation to nerves to relieve pain.
If you see a headache specialist, double-check with your midwife or certified obstetrician ordevices about the safety of drugs during pregnancy. While migraine pain can be excruciating, taking risks with your baby's health can cause lifelong health problems for your child
The National Women's Health Information Center: "Migraine"
Migraine Research Foundation: "About Migraine"
OB / GYN News: "Migraine Drugs."
National Headache Foundation: "Migraine"
Northwestern University Medical School and the Illinois Department of Public Health: "Migraine Headache and Pregnancy"
American Headache Society: "Generally used acute Migraine Treatment "
US News & World Report:" Migraine Medications May Cause Serotonin Syndrome "
The National Guideline Clearinghouse:" Special Treatment Situations :. Standards of Care for Headache Diagnosis and treatment "
HHS: Indian Health Service: Mother child Health:" Migraine and Pregnancy "
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:" Headache ".
News release, FDA
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