pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks

5 weeks pregnant - all you need to know | Tommy's5 weeks pregnant - all you need to know | Tommy's

Welcome to week five of your pregnancy, the beginning of your second month (hey - only seven more to go!). Your pregnancy is still new, but it is in the embryo of your growing fast and furious ... from the size of a poppy seed last week as big as grapefruit seed now - about one-twentieth of an inch long. Still quite small, but much larger than it already ... and getting bigger every day!

Wondering what you're growing a baby looks like now? Not much like a baby. the child has been elongated from tiny ball of cells into tadpole-like shapes, with a distinguished head and, believe it or not, the tail. Not to worry, though. tail will disappear immediately, and a cute little baby's bottom will take place.

This week began to take shape and the primitive heart beats, pumping blood through your embryo forms appear. Heart comes first because blood flow is very important. Without blood flow, organs and the digestive and nervous system will not be formed. At this early stage micro heart design is still quite rural, with only two tubes pumping to rythym really unrhythmic. heart will not be fully functional until they fuse tubes together and coordinate heartbeats - activities that require the brain

Fortunately, your baby's brain either through a phase of a blueprint. Neural tube, which will eventually become a baby brain and spinal cord, is under construction. And if that was not enough going on body building, a rudimentary digestive system is taking shape, too. There is a tube extending from the mouth to the tail of the embryo ... and this tube will eventually turn into the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines

So, what you tiny embryo -. Already the size of a grapefruit seed - looks like now? Actually, not like a tadpole, with a rudimentary head and tail. But do not worry, there are no frogs in your future.

In fact, you are less than eight months away from holding a real prince or princess in your arms. While all this is happening, hCG hormone levels in your body is now high enough to confirm that you are expecting to use a home pregnancy test. Going to the doctor to confirm the good news and

If you are 5 weeks pregnant, you are in the second month of your pregnancy. Only seven months to go! Still have questions? Here is some more information about the

It takes a lot of growing into a baby -. All systems large and small body (digestive, circulatory, nervous, and so on) and organs, such as the heart, lungs and stomach, to be formed from scratch

The first system will operate is the circulatory system, or blood -. along with its companion organ, the heart, that you may even be able to see the beating in the early ultrasound, although it is more often seen at week 6 or 7.

When you are 5 weeks pregnant, your baby's heart consists of two small channels called the heart tube and they've worked hard. ! When they tube fuse together, your baby will have a heart that is fully functional, although he will almost certainly have a grip on your own

Also in the works this week several other organs, including the neural tube - the precursor to the brain your baby and spinal cord - which is not yet sealed. But next week, that the open door policy more

By now you must have missed your period -. One of the more obvious indication that you are pregnant. it's time to pee on a stick (good news because you may need to go more often anyway), because at 5 weeks pregnant levels of hCG, a pregnancy hormone-broadcaster, in your urine is high enough to be detected by a home pregnancy test. That means you will be able to confirm what you may already suspect :! You expect

This information may lead to a combo platter of emotions ranging from joy of sheer terror as the fact that you 're going to be a mother sets in mood swings are absolutely normal -. kind of like PMS on overdrive -. so do not worry if you have them

will be no early signs of pregnancy more, too. As it was a sense of fatigue that may have washed over you. And those tender breasts. Or that the fight a bit squeamish you may feel when you smell a dish that normally would not bother you. Growing a baby - even one no bigger than a grapefruit seed - is hard work, and your body respond in the form of

large amounts of a hormone -. Chemical signals that circulate in your body and work together to cause physical changes -. being produced en masse this week

Among them is estrogen, which makes the level of progesterone and hCG up where they should be; progesterone, which maintains the function of the placenta, making the smooth muscles of the uterus from contracting, and stimulate the growth of breast tissue; and hCG, which supports the corpus luteum until the placenta takes over at about 10 weeks and regulate the amount of progesterone that is needed.

And do not be surprised if you feel like hormones take over your life sometimes!

Are you or your spouse has exploded to spread the good news about your pregnant status since that home pregnancy test turned positive? Not sure when the best time is to take the megaphone (or phone ... or the computer keyboard) and start sharing? Only two of you can make a call, so to speak, that one was

Some couples can not wait to tell their friends they were pregnant -. If they could, they would shout from the highest mountain or make announcements went viral -. while others prefer to keep the happy news they are on the DL until after the third month, when the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced

others hope that they can stay mum about becoming a mother (and father) but can not help raving chance first they get. Talk about it together, and remember, it's your little secret as long as you choose.

Learn more about.

Score! According to experts, the mother-to-be do not have to clean the cat box. It may cause an infection called toxoplasmosis, which can harm the unborn baby.

Not only are you in charge of litter-box (the cat litter is the source of the parasite) during your pregnancy, but you also should not eat raw meat or undercooked or feed it to your cat, and you do not have to play in or clean out the sandbox child, which can be used as a litter box by a local cat.

Dental cleaning is fine for pregnant women -. and is needed because about 40 percent of mothers-to-be have periodontal disease, which ups their chances of preeclampsia

Dental X-rays to be stored until after the baby arrives, though, except for the risk of not having one done outweighs the risk relatively little radiation to the fetus.

is the time to take some meal from the menu, as the food was not pasteurized and cooked meat, fish and eggs. This can cause food-borne illnesses that are bad for the baby.

Other foods that pregnant women should avoid including hot dogs, deli meats, fish with high mercury levels and raw sprouts.

When you need to quell the queasy stomach, here are some tips to try: Eat combo of protein-and-complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat crackers and cheese or yogurt and granola. Or skip the solids and drinking a smoothie or soup.

Make sure you get eight glasses of fluid a day, especially if vomiting leave you dehydrated. Ginger can be good for what ails nausea pregnant women. Use ginger in cooking - as in ginger-carrot soup or ginger muffins -. Implanting your tea with it, nibble on some gingerbread, nosh on some crystallized ginger or sucking on ginger candy

And if your symptoms are very rude, ask your doctor about taking supplements of vitamin B6

gas is like a cosmic joke - some healthy foods can make you feel gassy ... and not at all in the mood for your meal. vegetable

Opt instead for healthy substitutions that will not bring the bloat -. for example, mango instead of broccoli or strawberries instead cabbage. , Pop bagel chips instead of potato chips and boiled chicken breast instead of chicken fingers once-beloved

And this is a very simple way to deflate their bellies bubble: Instead of mineral water, opt for plain

Should you or should not you work when you're sick? It all depends on how exercise makes you feel. If queasies got you down in 5 weeks pregnant, try stepping outside for a brisk walk. Chances are, you'll feel better - better than fresh air and exercise - after about 15 minutes

Another exercise is fine, too, if they sit well with your stomach .. Make sure you have snacks abdominal approved (no possibility to come back during heating) before and after you work out, and do not forget to stay hydrated.

You know that you need your protein, but chances are, you've fallen in with the meat (and chicken, and fish ...) and can not even be in the same room together, never mind sharing plates.

You 'will finally be able to stomach animal food again, but until then, take protein of cottage cheese, yogurt, nuts or soy products, especially tofu or edamame. Or consider quinoa, wheat crazy super-punch packets of protein in an entertaining package.

If the greens that turn you the color not too subtle yellowish, becoming yellow belly. yellow vegetables often easier to take, so try carrots or sweet potatoes, or go for beta-carotene in cantaloupe, mango, peach and apricot.

What to Expect From the editorial team and author What to expect when you're expecting. health information on this site is based on the medical journal peer-reviewed and highly respected health organizations and institutions including (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists), (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and (American Academy of Pediatrics), as well as what is hoped the book by Heidi Murkoff.

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