what is embryo

An embryo is an early stage of the organism a. In general, in that case, embryo development refers to the part of the life cycle that began just after and continue through the formation of body structures, such as tissues and organs. Each embryo begins development as, a single cell resulting from fusion (ie fertilization of the female by the male cell). In the first stage of embryonic development, a single-celled zygote experienced many rapid cell division, called, to form, which looks similar to a ball of cells. Next, the cells in the embryonic blastula-stage start rearranging themselves into layers in a process called. This layer each will give rise to a different part of multicellular organisms evolved, such as the nervous system, connective tissue, and.

A new evolved human beings usually referred to as an embryo until the ninth week after conception (see), when it was then called. In other multicellular organisms, the word "embryo" can be used more broadly to any initial development or life cycle stage before or.

First attested in English in the mid-14c., Said embryon or obtained from embryos, away from ἔμβρυον (embruon), lit. "The young ones", which is neutral from ἔμβρυος (embruos), lit. "Growing up in ", from ἐν (en)," in "and βρύω (bruō)," bloated, full "; the exact form of the Greek term will embryum.

In animals, fertilization embryo development process begins with the creation of a zygote, a single cell resulting from the fusion of gametes (eggs and sperm for example). The development of the zygote into a multicellular embryo proceeds through a series of recognizable stages, often divided into cleavage, blastula, gastrulation and organogenesis.

Cleavage is a period of rapid mitotic cell divisions that occur after fertilization. During division, the overall size of the embryo does not change, but the size of individual cells diminishes rapidly as they split increases the number of cells. Results Cleavage at blastula.

Depending on the species, blastula embryonic stage can appear as a ball of cells on top of the yolk, or as a hollow ball of cells surrounding a central cavity. Embryonic cells continue to divide and increase in number, while the molecules in the cell such as RNA and proteins actively promote the development of key processes such as gene expression, cell fate specification, and polarity.

Gastrulation is the next stage of embryonic development, and involves the development of two or more layers of cells (germ layers). Animals are forming two layers (as) called diploblastic, and those who form three (most other animals, from humans) called triploblastic. During gastrulation triploblastic animals, three germ layers that form the so-called, and. All tissues and organs of adult animals can trace their origins back to one of these layers. For example, the ectoderm will cause the skin epidermis and the nervous system, mesoderm will lead to the vascular system, muscle, bone, and connective tissue, and endoderm will give rise to organs of the digestive system and epithelial digestive system and the respiratory system. Many of the changes seen in the structure of the embryo occurs throughout gastrulation as the cells that form different germ layer migrate and cause the embryo that previously rounded to fold or go into a cup-like appearance.

Past gastrulation, the embryo continues to develop into the adult form a multicellular organism with the necessary structure for the outer life of the womb or egg. As the name suggests, organogenesis is the stage of embryonic development when organs are formed. During organogenesis, certain populations of molecular and cellular interactions were faster than cells from different germ layers to differentiate into the cell type-specific organ. For example, in neurogenesis, a subpopulation of cells from the ectoderm segregated from other cells and further specialize to become the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves.

embryonic period varies from species to species. In human development, the fetus is the term used instead of the embryo after the ninth week after conception, whereas, embryonic development is considered complete when the bones called becomes visible. In animals that hatch from eggs, like birds, young animals usually no longer referred to as the embryo once it has hatched. In animals (animalschildren spend at least some time developing in the body of the elderly), the offspring are usually referred to as embryo while inside the mother, and is no longer considered an embryo after birth or exit from the parent. However, the extent to which the development and growth achieved while in the egg or parents vary significantly from species to species, so much so that the process that occurs after hatching or birth within a species can take place well before the other events. Therefore, according to one of the books, it is common for scientists to interpret the broad scope as the study of animal development.

The flowering plant () made of haploid embryos after fertilization by. DNA of ovules and pollen combine to form a diploid zygote, a single cell that will develop into an embryo. Zygote, which will divide a few times due to take place throughout the development of the embryo, is one part of. Other seed components included, which is a nutrient-rich tissue that will help support the growing plant embryo and seed coat, which is the protective outer covering. The first cell division of the zygote is, produce embryos with a small cell (cell apical) and one large cell (basal cell). Small, apical cell will ultimately lead to the majority of the structure of mature plants, such as stems, leaves, and roots. A larger basal cell will cause suspensor, which connects the embryo to endosperm so that nutrients can pass between them. Plant embryonic cells continue to divide and progress through developmental stages named after their general appearance: globular, heart and torpedo. At the globular stage, three basic types of tissue (skin, dirt, and blood vessels) can be identified. Dermal tissue will cause or outer covering of the plant, the basic network will cause the plant material inner functioning in, storage resources, and physical support, and a network of blood vessels will cause connective tissue like and that a liquid transport, nutrients, and minerals throughout the plant. At the heart of the stage, one or two (embryonic leaf) will be formed. (Activity center) developed during the torpedo stage, and ultimately will produce many mature adult plant tissues throughout life. At the end of the embryo, the seed would normally be active until germination. Once the embryo begins (grown from seed) and form the first true leaves, he called or plantlets.

The plants that produce seeds instead, such as and, also produce embryos. In this plant, the embryo begins its existence attached to the inside of the parent from which the eggs are produced. The inner walls of Archegonium lie in close contact with the "legs" of the developing embryo; The "feet" consists of a spherical mass of cells at the base of the embryo can receive nutrition from the parent gametophyte. The structure and development of the rest of the embryo varies by crop groups.

Because all land plants creating embryos, they are collectively referred to as (or by their scientific name, Embryophyta). This, along with other characteristics, which distinguishes land plants from other plant species, such as, that does not produce an embryo.

The embryos used in various fields of research and engineering. The eggs can be fertilized in vitro and the resulting embryos likely to be used later. The potential of embryonic research, reproduction, and is currently being explored. or allows testing of embryos for disease or condition.

is a practice in which the germplasm of animals, such as embryos collected and stored at low temperature for the purpose of preserving the genetic material.

The embryo of been used as a model for understanding gene activation, pattern, and organogenesis plant seeds.

In terms of research using human embryos, the ethics and legality of these applications continues to be debated.

Researchers from MERLN Institute and in the Netherlands successfully growing rodent embryoids synthetic samples, combining several types. This method can help scientists to understand the first moments of the birth of new life, which, in turn, can lead to the emergence of a new effective method for combating and others.

The fossils are known from animal embryos, and found in large numbers during the period. even fossilembryos have been found.

Some embryos do not survive to the next stage of development. When this occurs naturally, it is called a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. There are many reasons why this can happen. The most common cause of miscarriage is chromosomal abnormality naturally in animals or genetic load on the plant.

In species that produce several embryos at the same time, miscarriage or abortion of embryos can provide some embryos were left with a larger share of the resources of the mother. It also can interfere with pregnancy, causing damage to the embryo. genetic strains that miscarried embryos they are a source of seedless fruit commercially.

Abortion is a process of artificial (non-natural) to delete embryo through deliberate pharmaceutical or surgical methods.

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