what to do when your pregnant

What Happens After You Get a Positive Pregnancy Test?What Happens After You Get a Positive Pregnancy Test?

Use this list to keep track of all the tasks your first trimester, of pregnancy confirms you to take photos of the stomach and learning which foods to avoid.

Make sure you really pregnantMost home pregnancy test can accurately detect pregnancy week after menstruation usually because - two weeks after you ovulate. If the tests show negative or result, wait a few days or a week and try again if you still do not get your period.


Take your prenatal vitaminIf you do not start taking prenatal vitamins have not, now is the time to start. It's very important to get enough while trying to conceive and during your first trimester. Folic acid greatly reduces the risk of your baby developing neural tube defects such as spina bifida birth.


health Investigate insuranceMake sure you know what your health insurance plan covers as far as your prenatal care and delivery costs, as well as care for your new baby. Get the answers to these questions by calling or talking with your company's benefits department. If you do not have health insurance, find out.

Choose your own health providerIf doctor or midwife you love, you're set. If not, you have some homework to do. Talking with friends and relatives, ask one of the other providers to recommend someone, check the preferred providers under your health insurance plan, or search online.


Make appointmentMany prenatal health care provider will not see you until you are at least 8 weeks pregnant, but you will want to get their calendars long before it ever since appointments can fill up quickly.

to prepare, jot down the first day of your last period so that you can determine your provider and start making a list of questions that arise. Talking with relatives on both sides of your family's medical history. Your provider will want to know whether a chronic condition or a genetic abnormality going well in your family

Please consult your provider about your medications takingMany drug being - .. even some exaggeration the-counter - not safe during pregnancy. If you take any medicine to treat chronic conditions, do not quit cold turkey but do call your provider immediately to go through a list of your medicines and finding out what is safe and what is not. Mention everything, even vitamins, supplements, and herbs.



If you smoke, quitSmoking pose a risk of a number of problems, including miscarriage, placental problems, and premature birth. It also slows the growth of the fetus and increase the risk of stillbirth and infant death. Several studies have linked smoking even greater risk of having a baby with a cleft lip or palate.

It's never too late to quit or cut back. Every cigarette you do not lightly give it a better chance of being healthy baby.


Stop drinking alcoholAs little as one drink a day can increase the likelihood of low birth weight as well as your child's risk of problems with learning, speaking, attention span, language, and hyperactivity.

No one knows exactly how dangerous even the smallest amount of alcohol may be to a developing baby, so skip the liquor altogether.


Reduce caffeineStudies have linked high caffeine consumption to miscarriage and other pregnancy problems. That's why the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend that pregnant women to limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 mg per day (which is about one 11-ounce cups of coffee).


Make sure your activity is activity-safeSome pregnancy, work, and hobbies can be dangerous for you and your developing baby. There are, and the things everyday in your house - such as cleaning products, pesticides, solvents and lead in drinking water from old pipes -. To avoid

If you are regularly exposed to chemicals, heavy metals (such as lead or mercury), certain biological agents, or radiation - as can happen in some medical research and work -. You have to make the changes as soon as possible

Talk to your doctor or midwife about what your daily routine involves, so you can find ways to avoid or eliminate hazards in your home and workplace.


Starting avoid pregnancy foodsDuring dangerous it is very important to avoid foods that may contain bacteria, parasites or toxins - including undercooked meat, unpasteurized soft cheeses, anything containing raw eggs, sushi made with fish raw, raw oysters and other shellfish, fish that high in mercury, and raw sprouts. Use caution with deli-style salads (especially those containing protein, such as eggs, chicken, ham, and seafood), hot dogs and luncheon meats, and salami and meat spreads.


Do your best to eat wellDon't worry if you can not eat a well-rounded diet in your first trimester -. Just do the best you can follow.

Stock your kitchen with healthy stuffMake your pantry, refrigerator and freezer by filling them with healthy food like nuts, fresh and dried fruit, multigrain pasta pregnancy friendly, .. and yogurt

Get help from sicknessUnfortunately morning, "morning sickness" could last all day - and it affects about three-quarters of pregnant women during the first trimester. If you have a mild case, some of the steps are relatively simple may be enough to help. Try eating small, frequent meals and snacks and stick to bland food, the room temperature. Ginger and acupressure bands work for some women. If these things do not help, talk to your provider about taking vitamin B6 or anti-nausea drug - .. It is considered safe and effective during pregnancy

Go to bed earlyIn early pregnancy you may be more tired than you ever imagined you could. Get more rest by turning in early - even if it makes you feel like a grandma

Find out more about, and learn

Consider your options for prenatal testingDuring first trimester you .. , your provider will offer a range that can provide information about your baby's risk for down syndrome and other chromosomal problems and birth defects. A diagnostic test is also called the offer - is generally performed at 11 to 12 weeks. Or you may consider waiting until the second trimester to.


Learn the signs of pregnancy problemSo many aches, pains, and strange feelings arise during pregnancy that it can be difficult to decide what is normal and what is not. To complicate matters further, some symptoms may be more or less problematic depending on the specific situation or health history and how far along you are in your pregnancy.

. If you have a complaint, contact your doctor or midwife immediately.

Think about when and how you will announce your pregnancySome woman leaking secrets to friends, family, and coworkers immediately. Others wait until they were in their second trimester, when their pregnancy is well established and has declined significantly. But if you have morning sickness or pregnancy complications, or if your work is heavy or potentially dangerous, you may need to tell people (like your boss) faster than you planned.

and check this out.

Follow your baby developmentSign up for free email newsletter BabyCenter and every week you will learn well your pregnancy and your baby.

Join your Birth ClubNobody understand what you go through as well as other expecting mothers in the same stage of pregnancy. Connect with women for the same month as you are in yours.

Start taking belly photosHave someone take pictures of you every week, or take your own pictures using your reflection in the mirror. It's a great way to see your progress, and you will love having memento

Tips for a great shot. Consider wearing the same clothes, standing in the same place, and striking the same pose (profile works best) for each photo.

for inspiration, check out our.

Start a daily ritual to connect with your babySet aside two five to ten minutes a day to think about your baby. Just after waking up and before going to bed works well for many pregnant women. During this period, sit quietly and gently rest your hands on your stomach. Focus on your breathing and then start thinking about your baby (hopes and dreams, your intentions as a parent, and so on). It's a great way to get started and help you plan for the kind of parent you want to be.

Buy a few new bras and breast undiesIf you get sick, get a cotton bra good support. can offer extra support, so try a few to see if you like them. Your breasts may go up one or two more sizes, especially if this is your first pregnancy, and knowledgeable sales associates can help you with size. And as your belly expands, pregnant pants, bikini, and even straps can make a big difference in your comfort than you realize.

Have sex if you feel up to editing your first trimester, you may feel too ,, or for sex. But if you feel the romance (and you do not have the complications that may make sex dangerous), go ahead - you will not hurt the baby. The amniotic sac and the strong muscles of the uterus protect your baby, and thick that seals the cervix helps guard against infection.

Find out more about owning.

Talk to your partner about parentingTo get a conversation going, try this creative writing exercise: You each make two lists, one entitled "My mother always ..." and one titled "My mother never ... "Then do the same thing for" My dad always ... "and" My father never ... 'Once completed, talk about what you write and decide together what behaviors you appreciate and you want to change when you lift your child ,

Make baby budgetThink about how you will handle the new-baby expenses - the cost of clothing, food, diapers, toys, and supplies can add up quickly. Brainstorming where you can trim your budget to make room for your baby's needs. Consider making some adjustments to the budget now, and start banking your savings for your baby. For more information, check our.

Get ready to see or hear your babyAt prenatal visits about 9 to 12 weeks, you might be able to hear the baby's heartbeat faster with the help of Doppler fetal monitor. Many women say it sounded like thunder galloping horses.

Some women as early as 4 or 5 weeks (although the standard is between 16 and). If you can see your baby in the first trimester, do not be surprised if he looks like

Start the baby's name listYou have plenty of time to decide on a baby name -. But it was fun to start writing down the possibilities. For ideas, visit and.

Drinking waterDuring pregnancy you need about 10 8-ounce glasses of fluid per day (80 fluid ounces) plus an additional 8 ounces for every hour of light activity. Every woman is different, so do not worry if you end up needing a little more or less. Overseeing the color of your urine - if it is dark yellow or cloudy, you need to drink more. Clear or pale yellow urine means you are well-hydrated.


What are some stretchingStretching improve your flexibility, prevent your muscles from tightening, and make you feel looser and more relaxed.


Sneak in power napWhen pregnancy fatigue makes it difficult to get through the day, revive yourself with a 15 minute delay. If you're at work, find a place you can escape (close your office door, use the conference room, even sitting in your car) and set the alarm on your cell phone.

Pack healthy snacksWhen hunger strike, it helps to have snacks that pack a punch of nutrition prepared at the table, purse, or car. And if you are suffering, chewing a simple snack like crackers throughout the day or before you get out of bed to relieve nausea.


Try relaxation techniqueDeep breathing, guided imagery, prenatal yoga, and progressive muscle relaxation can help you stick to a counterweight - and sleep better ..

Download Walka quick 15 to 20 minute walk cans help increase your energy level when you're tired.


Eat pregnancy superfoodTo give you a boost pregnancy nutrition, nosh on colorful fruits and vegetables, eggs, salmon, sweet potatoes, yogurt, walnuts, nuts, and more.


Write down your pregnancy memoriesWhether you make official journal or just jot down some notes when the spirit moves you, you'll love this pregnancy story to share with your child someday.


Keep track of your weight gainYour provider will monitor your pregnancy weight to ensure you are within the healthy range and get the right speed. You can also use the pregnancy weight of our tools to stay on track.


Do something good for your yourselfIf feel to it, go to the movies, dinners out, get a pedicure, or do something else you enjoy. You deserve it - pregnancy is hard work

Check in with friendPregnancy is an emotional rollercoaster! .. Lighten up your mind to share your fears, hopes, and the excitement with friends or fellow mothers -to-be in.

You may also want to check the list.

know the signs of pregnancy problems If you have a complaint, contact your doctor or midwife immediately.

Take a great way to document the stomach photosIt your growing bump. For inspiration, see

Have sex if you feel like itIf you feel the romance (and you do not have the complications that may make sex dangerous), go ahead -. you win'T hurting the baby

Learn more: ..

< p>

ACOG. 2014 FAQ 165: screening test for birth defects. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. [Accessed October 2016]

ACOG. 2015a. Committee Opinion: Moderate Caffeine Consumption During Pregnancy. August 2010, reaffirm 2015. [Accessed October 2016]

ACOG. 2015b. FAQ 001: Nutrition during pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. [Accessed October 2016]

ACOG. 2015c. FAQ 126: Morning sickness: Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. [Accessed October 2016]

IOM. 2005. The dietary reference intakes for water, potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate. Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies. [Accessed October 2016]

uptodate. 2016. Initial assessment of prenatal and in the first trimester of pregnancy. [Accessed October 2016]

Marcella Gates is a writer and editor based in Northern California.

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