Let's get serious for a second. Now that you are 9 weeks pregnant, you may start to think about how life would change when the baby in the picture. That's why about 9 weeks of pregnancy, you may want to start looking for ways to budget your and your partner so that you have extra money when the baby arrives. You should also consider checking your company's handbook to see how the maternity leave is usually handled. That way, when you break the news to your boss, you will be ready to discuss expectations and you start to plan potential maternity leave.
How Big Is Jakarta at 9 Sunday?
The baby is the size of a cherry at 9 weeks pregnant. Your 9-week fetus measures about 0.9 inches and weighs about 0.07 ounces, and their growth is picking up steam!
9 Weeks Pregnant Is How Many Months?
Doctors generally keep track of pregnancy in weeks, not months-but if you want to know how many months pregnant you are, at 9 weeks you enter your third month of pregnancy. Only a few weeks left to go in the first trimester!
Currently, the pregnancy hormone hCG circulating through your body at its peak level. That means at 9 weeks, some pregnancy symptoms may be at their most severe. Hang in there just a week-you're away from the hormone flatten out a bit, making you feel more like you. This is 9 weeks pregnant symptoms you may experience:
Many mothers-to-be find themselves struggling to button their jeans at 9 weeks pregnant. uterus grows to accommodate the growth of your fetus. In fact, it has doubled! You might even show a little at 9 weeks. Your uterus will begin to grow from your pelvis in the coming weeks.
Weight at 9 weeks not just anything-it is recommended. How much weight your doctor recommends you put on during pregnancy will depend on body mass index, pre-pregnancy (BMI). For example, if you start with a normal BMI, you may be asked to wear a total of 25 to 35 pounds total during pregnancy-and about 1-5 pounds which should occur in the first trimester. If you are 9 weeks pregnant with twins, you should try to use about one pound per week now.
That said, so many mothers-to-be so filled with morning sickness and the reluctance of food when they are 9 weeks pregnant that they may not get the weight-they might miss it! Naturally, you will want to talk to your OB about your concerns with your weight gain or loss, and definitely let them know if it is sudden or drastic. But most doctors will tell you that weight loss is small it does not matter at this stage of the game. Once you start to regain your appetite, you will have the opportunity to get your weight back on track advantage.
There are also women who get nausea so severe that they require more intense medical care. Nausea and vomiting are common during pregnancy, but women are often under-reporting of their symptoms with their doctor. There are several OTC and prescription drugs are safe in pregnancy and may help control the symptoms, so tell your OB what you experience and you can decide together what the best treatment.
Some mothers-to-be suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), which is diagnosed when a pregnant woman so ill that she was dangerous dehydration. If you can not keep any fluids down, losing a significant amount of weight or if you're unconscious, you should tell your doctor, who will conduct an evaluation to see if you have HG. The good news is that there is treatment for HG. You may need IV fluids to fill you, and you and your doctor may choose to try prescription anti-nausea medication to help stop vomiting.
The first prenatal appointment usually occurs between weeks 8 and 12. So now, you may have visited OB-if not, you will soon! When the first appointment you can even see the little baby's heartbeat on ultrasound. Interesting stuff, huh?
9 weeks pregnant, transvaginal ultrasound is usually done. That means the doctor or ultrasound technician must insert the probe into your vagina, because your uterus is still sitting in the back of your pelvic bone. (Do not worry-it does not hurt!) Will probe emits sound waves, which will allow you to see the picture 9-week fetus on the screen.
You will not only catch a glimpse of the baby-that would resemble lima beans-but 9 weeks pregnant ultrasound will confirm that the pregnancy is the womb (which means no signss or tubular ectopic pregnancy at 9 weeks). Doctors may indicate gestational sac, yolk and fetal pole.
In the Week 9 of your pregnant belly, baby work on cuteness, it develops more different facial features. And baby now probably have a heart rate that is strong enough to be picked up by a fetal doppler.
At 9 weeks pregnant, the risk of miscarriage in many women's minds. Rest assured that once you see or hear the heartbeat, dips risk of 2 to 9 percent, depending on your age, and will continue to degrade in the coming weeks.
Other prenatal tests you can expect about 9 weeks pregnant may include blood work to test for hormone levels, blood type, number of white and red blood cells and certain STDs. You also may have a pap smear to check for abnormalities (which can be a sign of cervical cancer), and urine tests to screen for UTI and check that the protein levels appear healthy. All were stabbed and encouragement really going to be in vain when you hold your newborn baby. All in good time
Reminder for this week:
content Medical is reviewed February 2020 by Sara Twogood, MD, a gynecologist obstetrician in Los Angeles and author ,

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