what is the function of the amniotic sac

Adrianne has a master's degree in cancer biology and has taught at the high school and college biology.

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pregnant women to live their lives everyday running errands, work, shop around and do other activities. Even with all the measures which may include bending, stretching, suddenly stopped and hit something, the fetus develops in the safe and unbothered. Why?

The reason for this action does not interfere with the fetus is the amniotic sac. It is a membrane filled with a fluid that acts as a cushion to protect the developing fetus. You may hear people refer to the amniotic sac as a 'bag of water'. This reference is quite accurate because the fluid in the amniotic sac 98% water and 2% of cells from baby and salt. The amniotic sac begin to develop from the point of conception and actually formed within the first 3 weeks of pregnancy.

The amniotic fluid, or fluid in the amniotic sac, is the reason why the fetus is not getting bumping into each other internal structures of the mother's body each time he started and stopped. The amniotic sac is not more than just protect the developing fetus. There are several other objectives that we will see now.

In addition to protecting the fetus from physical harm, the amniotic fluid is a great lubricant for fetal body parts. Think about it for a minute. Individual fertilized eggs develop into a baby just 9 months. Very fast to develop every part of the body. As part of the newly formed body, they are close together and can rub each other often. The amniotic fluid helps to ensure the body parts do not damage each other or grow together by allowing them to slide past each other easily.

The amniotic fluid is maintained at normal body temperature is the key to keeping warm fetus. We all know how fast the water can go from comfortably warm to slightly cool. Think about the last time you sat in the bath for a period of time without adding more warm water. It took a lot less than nine months to get cold! Amniotic fluid continues to be made and supplied to the amniotic sac to keep the temperature stable at normal body temperature.

Thanks to the amniotic sac, the fetus is able to move to work out their muscles and develop stronger bones. It can be likened to taking water aerobics. People go into the water to make it easier to move, to increase the resilience and therefore increase muscle strength. That little baby athletes do in the amniotic sac!

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The amniotic sac is important for the development of different systems of the body as well. The amniotic fluid helps the lungs to develop as a fetus inhales and exhales fluid. It trains the digestive system and urinary tract as well. This training takes place around the fourth month of fetal development when the waters began to drink and urinate back into the amniotic sac. Evil sounding at first, right? It was not though since the amniotic fluid in and out under the same conditions. It flows through the system to help them get to the processing agent.

There is more to 'bag of water' than you think! The amniotic sac is a fluid-filled membrane that surrounds the developing baby. Amniotic fluid is the fluid in the amniotic sac. Amniotic sac function as follows:

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