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While you are in, and the public. The majority of women get mild to moderate symptoms during the first three months () from. These symptoms usually disappear by the fourth month.
The exact cause nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is unclear. Most of the evidence points to the rapid changes in hormone levels. These fluctuations can cause changes in muscle contraction and relaxation of the stomach and patterns, thus leading to nausea and vomiting.
The hormones seem to have the most to do with this process including the pregnancy hormone (hCG), estrogen, and. Abnormal levels of thyroid hormones have also been reported in women with severe vomiting, though the causal relationship is not clear. Several studies have shown that nausea is worse when the low level. Some researchers have found that women are more likely to experience nausea pill, migraine, or are at high risk for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.
If you have a family history of hyperemesis gravidarum, you are more likely to have the condition. What causes hyperemesis gravidarum is unknown although active research
The theories more popular fall into three fields :.
Morning sickness: some women experience nausea and vomiting only in the morning. The majority of women experience nausea and off, all day
Hyperemesis gravidarum :. This condition occurs when a pregnant woman had persistent vomiting that generate more than 5% of its body weight, and evidence. Hyperemesis gravidarum is an extreme form of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy that sometimes requires hospitalization. This is different from and far worse than morning sickness.
Contact your doctor if self care at home does not help alleviate the symptoms, or if you can not take (and hold it down) of fluid each for more than 24 hours. Also, call when you throw up and shut down, but more than usual, or if vomiting associated with these symptoms, which may come from other causes:
your doctor may ask for a urine sample to check for ketones, a chemical has been found in dehydration. In severe cases, your doctor may also take a blood sample to check for blood, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate) level, or the level of certain hormones.
These tests can help doctors determine the degree of dehydration.
They also help decide whether the different conditions that cause nausea and vomiting, such as ,, or.
Depending on how far you are in your pregnancy, your doctor can also check the health of babies by listening to the heartbeat with a Doppler, or with.
Your doctor may diagnose hyperemesis gravidarum only after excluding other serious diseases. The following are other disorders that may show symptoms similar to hyperemesis gravidarum:
If the symptoms are not severe and you have not done so, your doctor may advise you tried nursing care at home (see home Remedies). If you have tried this and still vomiting, the doctor may recommend a liquid given to you by IV. Often this fluid contains as well. Many times its own fluid intake (IV or oral) can break the cycle of nausea and vomiting and temporarily make you feel much better.
As depressing as it may seem, nausea and vomiting are usually part of a healthy pregnancy. suffering will usually disappear by the middle. You can try home remedies to reduce your symptoms, and if this does not work, your doctor can help.
There is no single best treatment for each woman with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Different techniques work for different women. You have to find what seems to make the symptoms better. Many women have found the following suggestions helpful:
Glucose, fructose, and phosphoric acid are available over-the-counter. This solution can reduce muscle contractions in the stomach wall and intestines. The normal dose is 1-2 tablespoons every 15 minutes for no more than 5 doses. This solution caused no known harmful effects on the fetus.
Two over-the-counter antihistamines (Benadryl) and (), have been shown to improve nausea and vomiting. Although both generally believed safe in pregnancy, you should discuss the risks and benefits of these medications with your doctor.
doctor may prescribe medications to reduce nausea and vomiting. Some effective has been widely used in pregnancy with no evidence of harm to the fetus or the mother. Your doctor may prescribe one of these antiemetics (drugs that prevent or decrease nausea and vomiting).
You may not be able to prevent nausea during the early part of your pregnancy, but you can minimize your symptoms. This can become a vicious cycle, where nausea leading to vomiting, leading to dehydration, which leads to nausea. , The earlier you can control the symptoms, better
"Take home" advice to keep in mind:
Most women who experience nausea and vomiting during the early part went to have a healthy pregnancy. In fact, some evidence suggests that women with mild to moderate nausea and vomiting are likely to have a miscarriage than women who do not experience any symptoms at all. Some experts say that mild nausea and vomiting in pregnancy may have served some evolutionary advantage to early humans.
The woman in the early stages of pregnancy may have a number of different symptoms that may signal pregnancy. While a missed menstrual period often characteristic signs of pregnancy, women who do not have regular menstrual cycles may not recognize that the menstrual period has been missed. In some cases, breast pain or other symptoms are the first signs of pregnancy. Still other women may not experience certain symptoms at all during early pregnancy and may be unaware of their condition. Experience pregnancy symptoms are very individual and different among women. In fact, a woman may experience symptoms differently in a second or subsequent pregnancy of her in her first pregnancy.
What is the best treatment for your pregnancy, vomiting?
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