verywell / Emily Roberts
Having cramps in the beginning you can cause anxiety. You may wonder whether it is just a normal uterus stretching and growth or signs of impending. Because there are many causes cramping and your body is changing rapidly, the answer is not always clear.
Although cramps can sometimes indicate a problem, mild cramping in early pregnancy and while you are usually normal and not a sign of miscarriage. One such pain known colloquially as lightning crotch. It is fast, pain in the vagina. There may be an indirect cause for concern if you feel the pain is not severe, one-sided, or accompanied by bleeding. Here are some pointers to keep in mind when you decide what to do.
During the first trimester, your body is preparing for the growing baby. These changes can cause cramps that would be considered normal. It is usually mild and temporary.
Once you are pregnant, your uterus will start growing. As well as this, you may feel mild to moderate cramping in the lower abdomen or lower back. It may feel like pressure, stretching, or interesting. Even may be similar to your typical menstrual cramps.
As you progress through the first two trimesters, it is likely that you will experience cramping every now and then. Because the uterus is a muscle, every contract, there is the potential for a slight inconvenience. This can be caused by a full bladder, constipation, gas, or bloating that many pregnant women experience. Cramps can also occur during exercise-show you should take some time to rest-or after sex.
Even if your cramps may be normal, it is something to take to your next doctor.
pregnant women are also prone to yeast infections and urinary tract infections, both of which can cause mild cramping. Your doctor will want to treat it as soon as possible to ensure you have a healthy pregnancy.
As the uterus continues to grow larger, abdominal cramps can also occur later in pregnancy. You should be experienced at least cramps during the second trimester. However, this is when you round-muscle ligaments that support the uterus-will begin to stretch. During this time, it is normal to feel a sharp pain or tenderness in the lower abdomen.
If you are pregnant with multiples, expect some cramping during the second trimester as your body makes extra room for the baby. This acceleration of growth in the final (together with increased pelvic pressure causes) usually does not happen in a single pregnancy until the third trimester.
While some cramping is normal, alert to. These include dull backache, pelvic pressure intense, blood or fluid from the vagina, or more than five contractions or cramps in one hour.
If you are constantly cramping or heavy, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. It is better to check out anything that is not true than ignoring something that might be of serious concern.
severe cramps, especially, should always be investigated to rule out ectopic pregnancy. , It just occurred in less than 2 percent of pregnancies. However, it is the leading cause of death for women in the first trimester.
occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterine cavity and signs usually appear when you are six to eight weeks pregnant. It is most often accompanied by one hand cramps and pain in the neck or shoulder and a constant urge to defecate.
If you think you have signs, go to an emergency room as soon as it can be life-threatening. Also, if your cramps seem to be focused on one side of the lower abdomen, contact your doctor to be on the safe side, even if not severe cramps.
If you experience any kind of along with cramping in early pregnancy, you should contact your doctor-it is likely that you had a miscarriage. These symptoms do not always mean a miscarriage, but your doctor should be able to order or to find out what happened.
There are ways to find relief from the normal cramps that come with pregnancy. Quite often, it can be as simple as changing the position or sit or lie down for a while to rest.
Sometimes, cramps are a sign that you're doing too much or stress. Take a few minutes to yourself can help your body and mind relax. Try to calm myself down by using relaxation techniques like meditation or controlled breathing.
Many women find that the magic of an evening shower. A hot water bottle gently placed on aches and pains can also bring relief. Some doctors recommend abdomen elastic band as well.
In general, it is normal to experience some cramping early in your pregnancy. That does not mean you do not have to ask your doctor any questions you may have, especially if the first baby or different from the previous pregnancy. Better to err on the side of caution, so pay attention to how long and frequent cramps you and, if you have a problem, take them to your health care team.
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JH Barash, Buchanan EM, Hillson C. Am Fam Physician. 2014; 90 (1): 34-40
JH Barash, Buchannan EM, Hillson C. Ectopic Pregnancy Diagnosis and Treatment .. American Family Physician. 2014; 90 (1): 34-40.
The Merck Manual for Professionals. , Updated July 2018.
Zakaria SK, Fenn M, Jacob K, Arthungal SA, Zachariah SA. Int J Womens Health. 2019; 11: 119-134. doi :. 10.2147 / IJWH.S151501
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