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Pregnancy Matters

May 31, 2016




Congratulations! You have successfully passed early pregnancy sickness and fatigue. Now the third trimester and you're so close to meet the baby. Unfortunately, there may be an uncomfortable symptom of some still in store for you

Swollen ankles, trouble sleeping, back pain, had to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes -. This is all possible as you move into the last part of pregnancy.

Patients often ask me how to make a little more comfortable third trimester. This topic has been on my mind over the last few months as my sister, who is a neurosurgeon at UT Southwestern Medical Center, in the third trimester and start dealing with some of these inconveniences.

Let's take a look at eight common symptoms during the third trimester of pregnancy: What causes them, how to help relieve them, and when you should call your doctor

Why it happens. when you hit 30 weeks of pregnancy, it may not just be your swollen belly. You may also notice swelling (edema) in the other parts of your body, especially in the lower extremities, such as foot and ankle.

During pregnancy, your body produces about 60 percent more blood volume. Meanwhile, the growing uterus is putting pressure on the large vein returning blood to the heart, leave all the extra fluid to pool in your lower limbs.

This pressure may also cause some blood vessels become swollen or look purple or blue. It's called, and they should return to normal after childbirth

What can you do :. The best thing you can do to avoid or reduce swelling is to reduce how long you are on your feet. If you must stand for long periods, breaks every couple of hours to sit down and put your feet for 10 minutes. This helps the fluid's gravitational pull of the foot back into your circulatory system.

One of the best time to put your feet is after dinner. Although you do not have to have them straight up, make them as high as you can. I often tell patients to prop their feet on some cushions on the coffee table. I recommend doing this a few hours before going to bed because all the fluid back to the heart of your help will be filtered by the kidneys and you have to urinate all. If you lift your foot before going to sleep, you may have to get up right as you're falling into a deep sleep to use the bathroom!

If you need to be on your feet for long periods of time, wear compression stockings, or TED hose. It can go from your feet up to the knee or mid-calf. They help move the drilling fluid up to the heart and keep them from pooling in your legs. If you imagine your grandmother stockings, do not worry. Many manufacturers make it much more stylish version today. You will not even know some of them are compression stockings!

If you start to feel tight shoes, wear shoes with straps you can loosen. Or if it's nice out, throw on some flip-flops

When to worry. If you notice sudden swelling, asymmetrical swelling - as one foot to be larger than the other - or one shank being warm or soft to the touch, see your doctor immediately. This could be a sign of a blood clot. , Swelling in non-dependent parts of your body such as hands and fingers may suggest development

Why it happens: - difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep - often occurs in the first and third trimesters, although for different reasons. In the first trimester, the result of hormonal changes, especially due to the surge of progesterone. However, your progesterone levels off in the second trimeste, R, returning you to sleep peacefully

In your third trimester, sleep becomes more elusive because it is difficult to obtain because it is convenient for your belly grows

What can you do :. Find the most comfortable position for you to sleep in, whether it's left or right side of your. No matter which side you choose. Sleeping on your back may be uncomfortable, but if you want to sleep in this way, it helps to shift your hips just a little to keep all the weight of that behind you.

There are various body pillow you can try. sister really liked the pillows, which are C-shaped and rises below the neck, around the shoulders and between the legs.

Practice good sleep hygiene, such as not watching TV or look at your cell phone right before you go to bed. Other things you can try before bed sipping warm milk or tea, a warm bath, or use the scent of lavender in the bathroom or lotions

When to worry. If you have tried all these things and you still can not sleep, talk to your doctor about over-the-counter may be safe to take

Why it happens. You may find that you can not eat as much as it used to, or you are experiencing reflux. As your uterus gets bigger, he began to push on your stomach. This means that just is not much room for the food. Also, the sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus does not work as well as during pregnancy

What can you do :. Eat five smaller meals each day instead of three large meals. Find foods that make you feel incomplete without lowering your caloric intake. For example, try a protein shake instead of a big sandwich.

If you are having problems with reflux, avoid spicy foods or acidic. Instead, choose a creamy foods, such as yogurt. Do not eat within two hours to go to bed to give the food time to leave your stomach before bedtime. Raised his head and does not lay flat also helps to avoid reflux

When to worry. If you continue to have problems with reflux, talk to your doctor about over-the-counter. If you experience reflux that does not relate to what you eat, or you experience heartburn or stomach pain that is not relieved by medications such as Tums or Maalox, see your doctor. This could be an indication of serious problems, such as preeclampsia

Why it happens. Sensation is necessary to move your legs. It can manifest in a variety of ways, from a general feeling of discomfort to the sensation of burning or throbbing. My sister says it makes her feel like she needed someone to pull on his legs.

Restless leg syndrome is more common at night, making it impossible to fall asleep. Although there are theories out there, we're not 100 percent sure why restless leg syndrome affects so many pregnant women

What can you do :. There is no real cure for restless leg syndrome, but there are lifestyle changes you can make to alleviate the symptoms, including staying hydrated. We recommend pregnant women drink 80 to 100 ounces of water every day. Calcium and vitamin D supplements can also help.

Take a 20 to 30 minute walk around your feet time most anxious to relieve the sensation. You can also try massaging the feet or use heat or ice packs

When to worry: .. If this trick does not relieve your symptoms and your sleep is affected, talk to your doctor about medication

Why it occurs: Increased levels of progesterone during pregnancy relaxes joints and muscles to accommodate the growing uterus and increase flexibility in the pelvis so the baby can more easily through the birth canal. However, this can also cause pain.

Your posture can change due to carrying extra weight around. You may find yourself more inclined to one side or the other, which can lead to lower back or hip pain

What can you do :. Wear a support belt below and above the stomach to take some weight off your hips and back. There are various types and brands to choose from. This will not hurt your baby, so tighten it enough to get the support you need.

When you sit down, place a pillow under your hips or try to sit in balance or yoga ball instead of a chair. A warm bath or using a heating pad in the hip or back to help ease the pain.

Remember, thanks to your belly grows, your center of gravity is much different today. Skip the stilettos until after you give birth.

Whenbe worried: If you have unrelenting pain, deep pain and sharp, or have become unable to walk or get up, see your doctor. Also, if you experience pain in the low back rhythmically every few minutes, probably a contraction, which is sometimes present as low back pain

Why it happens. Sore breasts are common during pregnancy. The hormonal changes that prepare them to feed your baby, and you may find you go up a few cup sizes. Women with smaller breasts may find they have more pain than women with larger breasts

What can you do :. I see too many women in the third trimester to try them wear the same bra they did before pregnancy. , Plans to buy a new bra several times your breasts grow during pregnancy - breast and back will thank you

When it should be noted: bras Sports may be comfortable during and after pregnancy, but if they are too tight, they can inhibit milk production , We recommend that women who do not want to wear a sports bra to help dry their milk. If you plan to breastfeed, make sure your bra has good support, but do not let it too tight.

Why it happens: Need to run to the bathroom frequently probably the most annoying part of the third trimester. The volume of fluid running through the double kidney during pregnancy, which means you will need to urinate twice as much. As your baby grows, she can press on your bladder

What can you do :. Unfortunately, not much you can do about it. Do not stop drinking fluids to avoid frequent urination. You need to stay hydrated. Dehydration can cause contractions, dizziness, and light.

Know you will need to urinate more frequently and prepare for it. For example, aisle or near the exit when at an event

When to worry. Sudden changes in urination may be a concern, as if you pee a lot more today than you yesterday. Also, if you experience pain or burning when you urinate, or if there is blood in your urine, your doctor right away

Why it happens. Along with the swelling, fluid pooling in your legs and not circulate throughout the body can lead to dizziness or lightheadedness. You may see this more when you've been standing for a long period of time or when you get up too quickly

What can you do :. Again, compression stockings can help to push blood out of the leg and into the heart. If you must stand for long periods, keep moving to improve circulation -. Shuffling your feet or bend your knees by bringing the lower leg toward your backside a few times

Avoid up too quickly from sitting and lying positions. When you're ready to get out of bed in the morning, sit down, put your feet on the floor, and wait a while before you get up and go. This will give your body time to adjust. This is another example where staying hydrated will help

When to worry. If you constantly feel lightheaded or dizzy, if it happens even after a short period of standing, or if it is accompanied by a racing heartbeat, contact your doctor.

The upside to deal with all these problems? You get closer to the end of pregnancy! We understand this problem can make the feel of the third trimester like it would never end. However, a few simple changes can make it a little more comfortable. And remember, it's worth it. Just ask my sister, who gave birth May 6, 2016, a perfect little boy, Elliott.

If you have questions about third-trimester symptoms you are having, ask for an appointment or call.


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