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If you have just discovered you are pregnant, one of the first questions you'll have is: How far along am I? Outside of knowing that all-important date of maturity, knowing how many weeks pregnant you will help you keep track of their pregnancy milestones along the way.
If you know the date of the first day of your last menstrual period or the date of conception, the easiest way to get an estimate of how far along you are using
Find out when you will meet the little guy.
1 day of my last period
Date I understood
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Keep in mind that your health care provider will be able to provide more accurate answers on your first prenatal care appointment.
There are several different ways to figure out your due date and measure how far along you are.
When figuring out how far along you are, it can be confusing that weeks of pregnancy is not the same with gestational age infants. Remember, conception is most likely around 14 days of your last cycle, while pregnancy is calculated from the beginning of the cycle, so there is a difference two weeks. For example, when you're six weeks pregnant, your baby's gestation only four weeks.
During the examination of your pregnancy, your health care provider will monitor how far you. Do not be surprised, though, if your provider gives you a due date that is slightly different from what you calculated.
Also, most babies do not arrive on their due date. Every pregnancy is unique, and only a small percentage of babies born on time. Babies are usually born between weeks 38 and 42, and it is absolutely normal for your baby to arrive any time during this window.
If you, your doctor will be able to advise you on any strength babies need extra care. On the other hand, if your baby is not born at the end of 42 weeks, your doctor may suggest to carry on, or she can discuss the options with you.
Now that you know how far along you are, it may be helpful to know that pregnancy is often referred to in the week and trimester. Take a look at the time of pregnancy for details of:
Here are a few things you can expect in each:
The first trimester (weeks 0-13): You may see a few, such as and. Your provider will be able to confirm your pregnancy and organize your prenatal visits to make sure you and your baby stay healthy and safe
The second trimester (14-27 weeks). This trimester is often referred to as the honeymoon phase of pregnancy. You may feel as if you have some extra energy to get things done, such as baby-proofing your home, go to a prenatal class, and do some pregnancy exercises gently.
If you have not, this may also be a good time to start doing to strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor. You can do this simple muscle clenches anywhere, and they are not only beneficial during pregnancy and childbirth, but after that also
The third trimester (weeks 28-42) :. You're almost there! When you get closer to the birth of your baby, you'll want to get ready by making sure you have all the right baby gear. But remember to take the opportunity to slow down and rest whenever you can.
Now that you have learned how to find out how far along you are and what an important milestone awaits you during your pregnancy, remember that your baby will come soon, and a new, exciting chapter is about to begin.




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