Note: This post was first written in 2015 when I post because with my second daughter and desperately seeking how to induce labor naturally. Spoiler alert, he came out ... eventually.
Today marks 40 weeks + 5 days pregnant.
It was not cold, baby, not cool.
While I have no confidence in, it was very frustrating to watch you come and go.
Needless to say, figuring out how to induce labor naturally high on my to-do list.
Below is a list of nine natural induction suggestions drawn from the magical, is not always scientific, wilderness internet. And I, of course, had to go and ruin the fun and see the science behind them.
In no particular order ...
Everyone and their mother suggested this one to me, but there does not seem there would be little science behind this. I'm still eating spicy food last night and hoped for the best. No labor but I had some kickass heartburn.
This homeopathic fall into the category of "cervical ripening agent" because it mimics the prostaglandin. Unfortunately, it did not seem to do a very good job of it.
found that oral intake of evening primrose not speed up, or even shorten, labor.
In case you find yourself wondering "Hmmm ... I wonder how much semen contains prostaglandins?" Here is your answer: A lot. Some have suggested that the semen has the highest concentration of prostaglandins derived from any biological source. Read: cervical ripener excellent
In theory
In practice, well, this one to prove or disprove ... Probably because you will have a hard time finding volunteers pregnant (and even louder, their partners) to have sex with carefully monitored for the sake of science.
Think of a baby suckles, not foreplay. This technique stimulates oxytocin, the "hormone of love", a hormone that is also shock uterus into action.
Compared with women who did nothing, women who practiced nipple stimulation has more likely to give birth within 72 hours. Time to bust out the breast pump or giving away of self-expression!
Midwives have been using this trick for ages, even appearing in a papyrus scrolls of ancient Egypt. magic relies on intestinal damage of the oil component to release to get the ball rolling labor.
The only problem is that the same receptors line the intestines and cause serious laxative effect. Because diarrhea and labor do not exactly compliment each other, most health professionals advice against natural induction methods. I agree.
Do not do it. Just do not.
Ancient Egyptians drink castor oil, a small needle work ancient China. Although the technique is still very popular even in Western culture, the exact mechanism for how it might work remain murky at best.
Some thoughts points to stimulate the nervous system's natural release of oxytocin. While it sounds promising, a study investigating the relationship between acupuncture and induction of labor found some evidence that it can improve the readiness of the cervix but also evidence that it can extend the time of delivery.
Look forward to the readiness of the cervix, I had some acupuncture appointment all set.
Homeopathics sounds so much nicer than getting an infusion of pitocin while stuck in a hospital bed. Unfortunately, the exact nature of mixing herbal concoction induction may blunt the effectiveness of the dose and create their usefulness for labor consumption rather impossible to study.
indicates a high possibility of limited effectiveness.
maneuver physician-performed mechanical separating the membrane from the lower part of the uterus and works by stimulating local prostaglandin production. It requires that the fingers (your doctor!) Make your way through the cervix to the other side so it was not a shocker that most women report discomfort.
temporary inconvenience, however, may actually pay, because research shows that the membrane sweep / stripping
Yes, it seems strange to me as well. From a certain strange, women who ate 6 dates per day for 4 weeks preceding the date because they are less likely to require medical induction.
Since I was WAY past the sign required current consumption, I guess I got lucky with this technique
Labor requires two main hormones - oxytocin and prostaglandins - and almost all t natural inductionechniques rely stimulate or mimic hormones are key. Oxytocin is working on to amp up their uterus and push the baby out while prostaglandins also help contraction but mainly play a role in changing the cervix of the sealed bundle of connective tissue to open as wide as a human head (ok, a baby's head, but still ... a panic human head)
Natural induction techniques rely stimulate or mimic oxytocin and prostaglandins - !. Two Main Hormone Required for Labor
How the mother's body to act in the initiation of labor, requires a significant shift between the two phases of preparedness:
uterus and cervix were given the green light to move forward and release your little man. This phase marks the point when the uterus and cervix tissue got tools in place to respond to hormonal signals that would facilitate labor. An important "priming" step for the machine booting your baby.
Only after all the excellent engine can be part of the response to the hormone, oxytocin and prostaglandins, which will guide the development of the workforce.
This brings me to something that bothers me about almost all the posts about labor induction -. step priming required
Because almost all the techniques of natural induction rely stimulate or mimic the key hormone oxytocin and prostaglandins, phase activation is essential to ensure the uterus and cervix can even respond to signals sent down.
Expect the results of the uterus that is not ready / cervix is like placing a call to the fire department, do not have anyone on the other end to pick up the phone, and then wondered why firefighters did not show up with a giant hose their water.
The activation of an important phase to ensure the uterus and cervix can even respond to signals sent to the bottom.
For me and my baby dream boot, let's hope someone on the phone to answer a call me because I'm about giving # 4 of the 'ol college try.
Who knows what works. Maybe it was # 4, perhaps it is # 6 or # 8 maybe a combination of all plus a little patience (ha!)
Little E arrive 30 minutes before he was due to induction ... 11 days late. Slightly annoying.
Molly has a PhD in Physiology and spent more than a decade as an academic research scientist a little obsessed with the world of brain science collide, hormones, stress and reproductive system. Currently he heads the Content and Communities in Bloomlife and edit Preg U. Science still an hour and she can not help but continue to dive into the world of research to find pieces that are interesting about pregnancy and parenting.
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