"college roommate of my friend's sister is really sick during her first pregnancy, and she swears by sucking peppermint, you should try it!"
"Keep some crackers by your bed; The trick to beat morning sickness! "
Almost every expectant mothers have heard of this and many "methods" others to get them through the first trimester of pregnancy that often can be the most difficult due to surging hormones, morning sickness, and extreme fatigue. But for some women, like me, who have symptoms of early pregnancy are more extreme, words of wisdom, no matter how well meaning, can be frustrating incredibility.
When I was pregnant with my first child last summer my "morning sickness" quickly escalated into all-day and all night sickness. No matter how much I drink ginger tea, how many crackers I keep beside my bed, in my bag, on my desk, and even in a coat pocket nausea and vomiting will not abate. This misery first trimester is often made even more challenging because most women are keeping their pregnancies hidden during the early weeks of the crisis. This means to suffer in silence and think of some ways that really creative to explain to your colleagues why you no longer drink coffee, can not make it to happy hour, and even more embarrassing, why do you make them cough strange, gagging noise shower stall.
Celebrities like Kate Middleton has helped take away some of the secrecy surrounding early pregnancy symptoms. Middleton has (HG) for three pregnancy. HG is different from the typical morning sickness-it causes loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and fatigue. Many women with HG need to be hospitalized to ensure they are getting enough fluids and rest. This extreme symptoms can last for the entire pregnancy.
But for me and a surprising number of other women suffering from the early symptoms of pregnancy weight, HG is actually not the problem-it's something that seems to be much more common but no less serious-acid reflux
I does not have any of the usual morning sickness or HG symptoms :. I am hungry. All. That. Time. I really want to eat, but will soon be sick after eating. Most women experience morning sickness when their stomach is empty, not full, and usually feel better after eating. And, fortunately, I did not really lose weight; I get it, especially since I could only tolerate toast, ramen noodles, white and other complex carbohydrates.
"Most pregnant women think that they only need to worry about acid reflux during their last months of pregnancy, when the baby is bigger," said Sindhu Srinivas, MD, a professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology. "But in reality, many women because of hormones such as relaxin and progesterone, which literally relax joints and sphincter in the body, including the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach, causing reflux."
No matter what I eat (or most do not eat), it will all come back right. I can not even look at a cup of coffee let alone one fathom drinking. An apple to calm your stomach? No, see you again too quickly, Mr Apples! And that ginger everyone told me to drink only make nausea worse.
"Many common medications for nausea related to pregnancy such as ginger, peppermint, and carbonated beverages can aggravate acid reflux," says Srinivas. "Anyone who suffers from acid reflux should avoid these and other acidic foods such as orange juice, tomato sauce, and chocolate."
After I was diagnosed by my doctor, a prescription for antacids, and adjusted my diet (I do not really think that being pregnant is one time in my life, I was able to enjoy chocolate guilt free), I started more either immediately felt, but it also comes down to two alarming realization:
"Acid reflux is very common in pregnancy," said Srinivas. "There are a lot of antacids are very safe to take throughout pregnancy can help minimize the symptoms and ensure that pregnant women get the nutrients they need to keep themselves and their babies healthy."
Fortunately, thanks antacids (the doctor and hours of internet research convinced me safe to consume during pregnancy) and some dietary changes, my severe reflux has subsided. I can even occasionally enjoy a yummy slice of pizza (with tomato sauce!) And I was certainly involved in the chocolate from time to time. But now I know my limits, how to manage my symptoms, and when ignoring the advice of others.
"It's good to have a network of friends and family who can provide advice and support, especially during early pregnancy," said Srinivas. "But it's very important to talk with your doctor. Many women fear being 'cowards' or are considered high maintenance when it comes to pregnancy and it simply is not true. Every pregnancy is different and every mother-to-be deserve to have her questions answered and get the treatment she needs to enjoy her pregnancy. "
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