Gas during pregnancy is a frequent occurrence, which also means the gas during pregnancy is a common problem. A typical person will pass gas about 18 times a day. The reason for this is that the average person produces up to 4 liters of gas every day.
For some, it is a feeling of bloating gas which is sometimes called indigestion. However, for the most part, it is passing gas. Gas is often referred to as "fart", but professionally it is known as flatulence. Gas looks to escape the body; sometimes it is through flatulence, while other times it may through belching or burping.
The buildup of gas occurs whether you are pregnant or not. However, you may find more challenges with gas once you discover you are pregnant. One of the key factors to experience more gas during pregnancy is increased levels of progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone that causes the muscles throughout your body to relax.
Furthermore, your intestinal muscles are more relaxed, which causes your digestion to slow down. Transient time through the intestine can be increased by 30%. This allows gas to build up more easily and create bloating, belching and flatulence of course. Gas during pregnancy also may increase later in the pregnancy when the enlarging uterus places pressure on you.
This pressure can also slow digestion which allows gas to build up.
Unfortunately, progesterone-induced muscle relaxation makes it more difficult to control the release of gas. Do not be surprised if you end up passing gas in an awkward situation created a bit of a shame. Just laughs it off and blame the baby.
It's pretty much impossible to prevent gas during pregnancy. However, there are steps you can take to manage your gas experience. Your main goal is to make it happen less often. certain foods can trigger gas to experience during pregnancy.
If it really bothers you, you might want to start a diary to track the food you eat everyday. This can help you identify foods that cause more gas for you.
Suspicious food that often made the gas beans, peas, and grains. Unfortunately, there are other healthy foods can be the cause of your gas. These include broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. The best action is on and make an association between the increase in gas and what you eat. Gas increases triggered by different meals for different people
American Pregnancy Association provides the following recommendations to manage, reduce and hopefully prevent extra gas during pregnancy :.
Chewing your food thoroughly is one of the best ways to reduce gas. Most gas is caused by bacteria in the colon work to break down the food that is not thoroughly digested by enzymes in the stomach. Gas is also associated with constipation, so it should prove helpful to learn more about preventing constipation.
It is important you do not eliminate anything from your diet can increase your gas. It is more important to ensure that you get the nutrients you and your baby needs for healthy development.
There is no concern for your baby when it comes to gas during pregnancy. You may not like burping or flatulence, but your baby does not care a bit. As mentioned above, the most important thing is to eat foods that are required to provide your baby with the nutrients he / she needs as they grow. ,
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Compiled using information from the following sources:
Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology, Second Ed. Smith, Roger, Ch. 24.
The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy- Ed. Harms, Roger MD, et al, Part III.
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