Anita Sadaty, MD, is an obstetrician-gynecologist certified, instructors resident in Northwell Health and Medical Health Adjustment founder.
Niki Mareschal / Photographers Choice / Getty Images
What increases your chances of having twins? fertility treatments, Gonal-F, and Follistim makes it more likely you will conceive multiples, but also, your height, age, and family history can even increase your chances to give birth to more than one.
fertility treatments are not the only reason for the twins. Other factors that increase your chances of getting pregnant with multiples include ...
more likely to conceive twins. This is because the hormone rises as a woman gets older. FSH, or follicle stimulating hormone, is responsible for the development of eggs in the ovaries before they are released.
The high levels of FSH are needed as a woman ages because the eggs require more stimulation to grow than in younger women.
This is rather ironic, given that increased FSH is also due to lower fertility. But sometimes, the follicles overreact to the higher, and two or more eggs are released, resulting in a twin pregnancy.
Family History
A family history does not make it more likely you will have multiples. However, if you have in your family, your chances of conceiving twins increases. If there is on both sides of the mother and father, your chances of twins climb higher.
A history of fraternal twins on the female side of the family indicates a higher probability of more than one egg per cycle.
a history of fraternal twins on the male side indicates a higher probability than men produce enough sperm to fertilize more than one egg.
women who are obese-with a BMI over 30 are more likely than women with a twin pregnancy a healthy BMI. This is an ironic situation because.
extra fat leads to increased levels of estrogen. These higher levels of estrogen can cause overstimulation of the ovaries. Instead of releasing only, the ovaries may release two or more.
Women who are taller than average were more likely to have twins. One study found that women on average 164.8 cm (about 5 '4.8 ") twin pregnancy are more likely than the average woman 161.8 cm (about 5' 3.7").
Why this happens is not clear, but one theory is that better nutrition (which can cause an elevation of more) is partially behind the increased rate of twins.
Number of Children
The twins are more common in women who have done a lot and have a great family.
African-Americans are more likely to twin pregnancy than Caucasian women. Asian women are the most likely to conceive twins.
Women who become pregnant while breastfeeding are more likely to twins than women who are not pregnant. It is true that breastfeeding can also suppress fertility and prevent pregnancy, especially during the first six months of the baby if the baby is exclusively breastfed.
However, it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding-and with twins!
One study found the rate of twins to 11.4 percent among women breastfeed, compared with just 1.1 percent in non-lactating women.
While research is still ongoing, some studies have found that women are more likely to conceive twins. One theory is that the growth hormone given to cows affect the hormone levels in humans.
which increases ovulation can lead to twins, triplets or higher multiples. Imagine multiples are possible, one that can decrease with careful monitoring, single embryo transfer (for IVF treatment), and the lowest effective dose (when treating with gonadotropins.)
You may wonder why pregnant multiples considered a "risk" and not the possible benefits for fertility treatments. After all, especially if you've been struggling to get pregnant, there would be a blessing in two or three be a good thing?
The fact of the matter is that twin pregnancies come with risks to mother and baby. goal is for your doctor to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby at a time.
Twins 3.35%
identical twins 0.45%
triplets and higher multiples of 0.1%
identical twins 0.95%
Clomid and Femera: 5-12% of twins, multiples below 1% higher order
Gonadotropin: up to 30% of twins, up to a multiple of order 5 % higher
IVF (under age 35): 12.1% twins
IVF(Age 35-37) twins 9.1%
IVF (ages 38-40) :. 5.3% twins
Not all treatments for infertility increase your chances of twins, but most
and treatment can lead to twins include ...
Clomid and Femera had the lowest rate of twins, ranging from 5 to 12 percent. The level of triplets and higher multiples below 1 percent. Gonadotropins, whether used with or without IUI treatment, have the highest rate of twins. According to some studies, up to 30 percent of pregnancies conceived with gonadotropins lead to multiples. Most of these pregnancies are twin pregnancies, but up to 5 percent is a triplet or higher pregnancy.
Contrary to popular belief, is not the main source of triplet and higher pregnancy. The data collected by the CDC indicate that the rate of IVF-conceived triplets in 2014 was 1.5 percent of pregnancies (but only 0.9 percent of live births, lowered because of a miscarriage.)
IVF twins are relatively common, with the highest levels of twins for women younger than 35, at 12.1 per cent per transfer in 2014. the lower rate of twins IVF for women over the age of 35 to 9.1 per cent for women aged 35 to 37 and 5.3 for women ages 38 to 40- probably because overall decreased success rate as a woman ages.
according to data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control, there are 133 155 twins who were born in the United States in 2015. It was 33.5 per 1,000 live births, or in other words, about 3.35 percent of live births.
There were 3,871 triplet births, 228 quadruplet births, and 24 quintuplet or higher births. These figures include natural multiples, along with those conceived with.
The rate of twin births increased and peaked in the 1990s but has declined over the past decade. The percentage of triplet and higher pregnancy has declined 36 percent since 2004.
In the general population, identical twin pregnancies occur 0.45 per cent of the time, or 1 in 250 births.
while most twin pregnancies conceived with fertility treatments are fraternal twins, the use of fertility treatment does not increase your risk of having identical twins. According to one study, identical twins comprised 0.95 percent of pregnancies conceived with treatment. That's double the general population's risk.
It is unclear why fertility treatment leads to identical twins. One theory is that the culture embryos are placed in during IVF increases the risk of identical twins. Another theory is that the treatment leads to an increased risk of identical twins.
Your chances of having twins will depend not only on the use of fertility drugs, but also your family history, race, age, and many other factors. These factors do work together. In other words, a tall woman with a family history of fraternal twins are more likely to twins pregnant during fertility treatments than a short woman with no family history of twins.
your chances of conceiving twins will also be affected by your particular cause of infertility. A young woman with healthier eggs is more likely for a twin pregnancy of a woman over 40, whose egg quality is poor.
twin and multiple rates also vary from clinic. twin levels differ based on how carefully they track ovulation stimulation during fertility drug use and how they transfer during IVF.
While having twins may sound like the kind of two-for-one deal every couple would love to have after infertility, it really is best to aim for a healthy baby. Your doctor may reduce the possibility of multiples with careful monitoring and single-embryo transfer during IVF.
However, if you do a pregnant twins or more, knows that can reduce the risk of complications. There are also many.
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